Nature Connection & Regenerative Culture: A Participatory Presentation from Joshua Glass

A moment of 'working out loud' where the artist in residence, Joshua Glass, will present his in-progress artistic research on the intersection of nature connection and regenerative culture.

After 8 days of exploration, Joshua will share insights and drawings on the topic. He will invite us for an experience of nature connection and inter-personal inquiry in the forest of Moinhos do Dão Eco Quinta.

Join us for a deep dive into curiosity, conversation, nature connection, and of course, tea and cake J

Essential information:

  • Location of the presentation: Moinhos do Dão Eco Quinta. The quinta is accessible by car from the village Vila Garcia (directions here) You can also choose to park your car by the nearby Monastery and enjoy the 20 min walk down into the Dão valley.
  • Date and time: Sunday September 25, 16:00 till 18:00
  • Bring clothes for rainand footwearfor a short forest walk. The outdoor part of the presentation will occur rain or shine.

About the artist
The work of Joshua Glass elaborates on the intersection of performance art + social experimentation + nature connection. He designs his offerings to be embodied so we can practice:

  • exchanging with non-humans
  • reviewing the boundaries of self and other
  • coexisting in community

Recently, Joshua has produced participatory performances, community-building events, artistic installations, workshops, and a non-profit organization called The Treehouse Maastricht. The Treehouse was co-founded in 2018 in the Netherlands as a public coffeehouse for developing emotional integrity and silliness in the context of deep community. With The Treehouse, Joshua researched and implemented dynamic governance, microsolidarity (mutual-aid), and socially experimental dinners. In 2020, Joshua graduated from the Interdisciplinary Arts program at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Currently, he's loosely based in Amsterdam.

While in residence at Moinhos do Dão, Joshua has continued his research within themes of regenerative culture, nature connection, and social design. He's been exploring questions including:

  • Which nature-based practices strengthen a palpable, personal relationship with non-human beings?
  • What's a regenerative lifestyle, why's it important, and how can I live one?
  • How can I access and trust animate intelligence (i.e. non-rational) and foster an integrated intelligence to guide my actions?

Joshua's website:

Joshua Glass artist in residence September 2021

Moinhos do Dão is excited to host Joshua in the artist in residence program. In his work the domains of art, social dynamics and nature intersect and this touches on many aspects of life here at the quinta. It seems therefore very fitting to host Joshua after a quiet period in the residency program.

Join us & participate!

On Saturday, 25 Sept., in collaboration with the people and land of  Moinhos do Dão ~ Eco Quinta, Joshua will co-host a participatory moment to present his work.

To sign up and receive participation details email:




The work of Joshua Glass elaborates on the intersection of performance art + social experimentation + nature connection. He designs his offerings to be embodied so we can practice:

  • exchanging with non-humans
  • reviewing the boundaries of self and other
  • coexisting in community

Recently, Joshua has produced participatory performances, community-building events, artistic installations, workshops, and a non-profit organization called The Treehouse Maastricht.The Treehouse was co-founded in 2018 in the Netherlands as a public coffeehouse for developing emotional integrity and silliness in the context of deep community. With The Treehouse, Joshua researched and implemented dynamic governance, microsolidarity (mutual-aid), and socially experimental dinners.In 2020, Joshua graduated from the Interdisciplinary Arts program at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Currently, he's loosely based in Amsterdam.While in residence at Moinhos do Dão, Joshua will continue his research within themes of regenerative culture, nature connection, and social design. He'll explore questions including:

  • Which nature-based practices strengthen a palpable, personal relationship with non-human beings?
  • Why are humans blamed for destroying planet earth?
  • What's a regenerative lifestyle, why's it important, and how can I live one?
  • How can I access and trust animate intelligence (i.e. non-rational) and foster an integrated intelligence to guide my actions?
  • How can principles of nature and permaculture nurture a win-win relationship between human and non-human beings?

Joshua's website:

Summer Newsletter 2020

Newsletter content:
Making the best of a different summer & memories of 2019.
Time for other things.
An update on the Caminho do Dão.
Moinhos do Dão ~ Great place to live! ~ Open for Partnerships.

Check out our recent Newsletter here to see what is (and not) going on at the quinta!

With greetings,
Freya & Steven

Writing Week 2018

For the second year in a row Moinhos do Dão hosted a Creative Writing Retreat with Mariette Wijne. She described the spirit of the week as follows: ‘Their writing made the roses bud’. 
An image says more than a thousand words (even when it is about a Writing Retreat) so we posted a photo gallery of the week. 

Participating in Jardins Efémeros – Art Festival Viseu

'O Real é Magico'

Moinhos do Dão is participating in the Viseu art festival Jardims Efémeros with an excursion to Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Maceira Dão & Moinhos do Dão - Eco Quinta.
Dates & times: 8-07 11h - 14h & 16-07 11h30 - 14h30 (both sold out)


- Guided visit to the exterior spaces of the Monastery of Santa Maria do Maceira Dão by António Tavares, archaeologist, Mangualde City Hall;
- Short walk to Moinhos do Dão
- Welcome Tea with herbs and homemade cakes
- Tour of Moinhos do Dão eco-quinta; visit along the river, from the fluvial beach to the restored mill, to the permaculture garden and to the solar and hydroelectric installation;
- Visualization of the artworks Thinking Box of Pedro Pires and ‘The Nest’ by Anne Friné.
- Gastronomy workshop «The best vegetarian hamburger»;
- Lunch buffet - 2 salads, baked potatoes, bread, hamburger toppings and natural juices (with products of proximity)

One of the stops on the tour of our quinta is Pedro Pires's art piece: "Thinking Box (Dão)"

About the piece:

Thinking box is a project created specifically for Moinhos do Dão, inspired by the Thinking Boxes of the artist Anne-Katrin Spiess. This artist has performed a series of projects with this title in different places of the United States of America. Initially they were designed for people living in large cities, as a place of escape from the outside world, or from other people. Later they were also installed in rural spaces, always with the aim of functioning as a private and personal space.
For ‘the Moinhos’, I wanted to recreate one of these Anne-Katrin Spiess Thinking Boxes, also building 4 white walls where one could isolate oneself to think. But after thinking and living the space of the Moinhos do Dão I realized that the essence of the project Moinhos do Dão, developed by Steven and Freya, is that the entire quinta is a Thinking Box by itself. The river, the houses, the trees, the vegetable garden, the mills, the chickens and their usual residents are what we need to get ourselves out of our hectic lives.
The house that had been planned with 4 opaque walls that hid its occupant, thus gave rise to a house without interior or exterior, in which the inside and the outside are confused. The "island" was the place chosen to install this sculpture inviting the public to visit a more wild part of the Moinhos terrain.
To be in the Thinking Box is to be in Moinhos do Dão.

Pedro Pires
London, July 2017.

More information about the artists who made site specify pieces at Moinhos do Dão:


Art at and inspired by Moinhos do Dão.

Art is happening at Moinhos do Dão and art is made inspired by the Dão river at Moinhos do Dão.

Nest piece by Anne Friné, our current artist in residence. The Nest can be visited until the Dão floods and takes it away.

'Studies on Water' by João Dias now on display in João's current exhibition at Museu Nacional Grão Vasco in Viseu.

Anne Friné's nest by
the Dão river.

Anne Friné in her nest
by the Dão river.

Studies on Water
Joao Dias 2017

Studies on Water
Joao Dias 2017
Based on the Dão river
at Moinhos do Dão.