Idea Submission


New Balance prides itself on our innovative heritage, so we deeply understand and appreciate the desire to create something that could, quite possibly, change the world. With that in mind, we’d like to share with you the following guidelines for submitting ideas to New Balance.

  • Does your idea fit within the New Balance business model and add new features to our product lines, footwear, design concepts, accessories, and apparel?
  • Is the idea unique? Have you done a search on Google or a search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office?
  • Have you applied for or been granted a Patent? If granted (or published), provide patent (or publication) number and copy of patent.
  • Do you need a patent attorney or patent agent to help you determine the novelty of your idea or to file a patent? If so, consult the following US Patent Attorney and Agents Search site.
  • Is your idea commercially viable? For example, could it be manufactured and sold for a reasonable price? Have you approached manufacturing or design firms to obtain cost estimates for prototyping and manufacturing your idea?

If you feel your idea satisfies the previous questions, download the Submission Form PDF and return to the supplied address or email it to:

New Balance Widths

Here at TriCity, we take a lot of phone calls in regards to exactly how much extra room is added when you change the width of your shoe and where exactly this extra room is added. Hopefully the information below will help!!

Measurements between different sizes and widths

Width Differences
There is an 8/16” difference between a B and D width and a 6/16” (3/8”) difference between 4E and 6E. It’s important to note that this is the maximum difference in width. This occurs across the ball of the foot. There is less of a difference as you move towards the tip of the shoe and towards the heel.

Length Differences
There is a 1/6” difference between each ½ size (ie, between 9 and 9.5). For every ½ size up, the width (across the ball) will increase by 1/8 of an inch.

New Balance Widths

Having the proper width shoe is crucial for proper foot comfort and athletic performance. For some individuals, extra wide shoes are the best fit to correct common foot problems. New Balance is the only athletic shoe company to feature wide width shoes to accommodate a larger foot size. New Balance recognizes the need for wide shoes, including wide womens shoes in their premium line of running shoes.

Good Diabetic Shoes

Diabetic neuropathy refers to nerve damage that can cause loss of sensation or numbness or the opposite, hypersensitivity. This condition usually manifests itself in the feet and lower extremities first.

Shoe Recommendations:

Running: 1123, 1012, 993, 760, 587

Walking: 927, 846, 811

Pressure Relief Insole and an SL-2 shoe with plenty of room.

See ALL approved New Balance styles HERE

SADMERC & PDAC Approved Styles

Diabetic Shoes
The Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC) has reviewed the documentation and information submitted for  HCPCS Coding. The  PDAC conducts reviews of products to determine the correct HCPCS code(s) of DMEPOS for Medicare billing.

It is our determination that the Medicare  HCPCS code(s) to bill the four Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carriers (DMERCs) is/are:

A550 For diabetics only, fitting (including follow-up), custom preparation and supply of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe manufactured to accommodate multi-density insert(s) per shoe.

This HCPCS coding decision applies to the submitted products(s) as presented to and reviewed by the PDAC. Any modifications to the products(s) could change the  HCPCS code and would need to be reviewed for coding verification. The assignment of a HCPCS code the product(s) should in no way be construed as an approval or endorsement of the product(s) by PDAC or Medicare, nor does it imply or guarantee claim reimbursement or coverage. For questions regarding claim coverage or reimbursement please contact your regional DMERC here.

Foot Pain – Do you know what the right shoe size is?

When clients of mine come into one of my New Balance stores or email me after they’ve visited TriCity New Balance online they often complain about foot pain and ask how I can help find the right shoe to help them decrease the pain while playing sports, walking, or hiking. The first thing I like to do is to ask them why they always insisted on having shoes that fit so tight.

To most people when they shop for shoes they don’t shop for the right fitting shoe. They shop for a shoe that is either too small or too tight. I’m passionate in teaching that a good fitting shoe should leave room so that the foot has proper room to shift, and so that the arch in the foot stays arched. It’s also important that for each company you shop with knowing that shoe sizes are a bit different for each. I’d say that 70-75% of my first time clients do not have properly fitted shoes which is why I personally make sure everyone of my employees are taught how to properly measure and consult on the right fitting shoe so that my clients make less trips to the doctors. I find this to be lost in a lot of other companies and stores that only care about moving the product. I believe that our business is about doing the right thing for the customer which includes fully educating them about how their shoe selection will impact more than just their wallet or performance. It’s about educating them about how their shoe selection will also impact their quality of life.

For instance if I take a measurement on a Brannock Device (you know, that old fashion metal thing your foot goes in) and the shoe size that is returned to me is 9 then I’ll start with a 9 ½ or a 10 when fitting one of my customers. One of the other nice things about New Balance is that we have different widths for most of our shoes and can customize the order. If someone is a 9 shoe size in length and an 11 shoe size for width, we can accommodate that. Make sure that when you shop for shoes that you not only have proper length but width as well. While a lot of my clients shoe length stays the same over time the width can change based on weight gained (pregnancy) and lost (surgery).

Some of the complications that arise from improperly fitted shoes can include:

Decrease in foot arch – Your foot is naturally arched to allow the foot to support the weight of your body and maintain proper posture. A decrease in foot arch could lead to the arch collapsing which could cause long term pain or discomfort. Most of the time foot arch is inherited but can be altered based on the way you train your foot and what shoes you wear.

Heel pain – General heel pain or plantar fasciitis can be as basic as pain that is felt close to the heel bone or could be caused by a strained plantar fascia connective tissue which connects the heel bone to the toes. It can occur in all humans but is most frequent in adults 40 or older. Having the correct shoe size which allows for proper stretching can prevent some of the wear and tear on these muscles.

Turf Toe – For those athletes that compete year round outside on the Football field or Soccer field turf toe can be prevented by wearing a shoe that allows for more room. Turf toe is pain that is located at the base of the big toe. It’s usually caused from jamming the toe or pushing off during competition or practice. It can cause inflammation and sideline athletes for weeks. This happens more often for those athletes that participate on a hard surface or artificial surface since those surfaces tend to never soften up after rain.

In closing make sure that you take the time to think about the types of shoes that you currently have and if they are a proper fit. In a lot of cases you are still able to obtain the same “style” being a half size or size larger that you would if you had a size that was skin tight (I know this can be especially hard for the ladies). If you have any questions or would like to chat about this feel free to shoot me an email at or visit my site which has more information at

I hope everyone had a wonderful memorial day weekend the other week and look forward to seeing you all in my stores or chatting with you online or off during the next few weeks as we gear up for fourth of July festivities.


About Wes: Wes McCluney was raised in Memphis, TN where his family owned and operated Athletic Shoes, Etc for over 25 years. He was born into the shoe business and during early childhood was actively involved in the community and especially sports. After playing football for and graduating from The University of Virginia Wes became actively involved in building the New Balance Brand in Atlanta, GA. He joined his Father and business partner in opening several New Balance stores throughout Tennessee and Georgia and was the vision behind